Pseudoscientist and anti-Semite Ute Deichmann is Awarded Professor in Israel
From Alexander Cherkasky
This blog describes the following case with evidence, the totality of facts for publication and it is obvious, that interesting publication (comprising description of fraud, deception, cheat, misleading, discrimination of normal science and normal scientists, (by prefering pseudoscience and pseudoscientist, anti-Semitism and anti-Semite), corruption (because of donations of Deichmann's father Heinz-Horst Deichmann, who should only be listed as sponsor of the Ben Gurion University and only this listing was the duty of Rivka Carmi, but Ben Gurion University awarded to Ute Deichmann 1995 for pseudoscientific and anti-Semitic publication and has given professor and director position and Ben Gurion University awarded to Ute Deichmann's father Heinz-Horst Deichmann 1998 and 2005 prizes and 1990 honorary doctor degree, as stated in the article of Israelnetz from October 9, 2014), supporting and promotion, aiding and abetting obvious pseudoscience, anti-Semitism and xenophobia) can be made about Rivka Carmi (President of Ben Gurion University of the Negev) and Ute Deichmann who is anti-Semite and pseudoscientist and awarded professor at Ben Gurion University and at Jacques Loeb Centre for History and Philosophy of Life Sciences.
Rivka Carmi and Ben Gurion University of the Negev supported and awarded anti-semitic, xenophobic and pseudoscientific "work" of Ute Deichmann, who received PhD degree from the University of Cologne (Universitaet zu Koeln) for the statements in "Biologists under Hitler" ("Biologen unter Hitler", ISBN 3-596-12597-9, for example pages 223, 369 and 354), that National Socialism lasted "too short" and "not long enough" and that the expelling Jews from science influenced science "only insignificantly". Deichmann has also stated, that it is not possible to say what influence of National Socialism would be if National Socialism would last longer. University of Cologne denied to deprive Deichmann's PhD degree.
In addition, before I made these findings and experience, Ute Deichmann discriminated me and stated, that any my PhD dissertation will be rejected independently from content and the University of Cologne did not given me PhD degree stating, that "inventions as solutions of scientific problems are not scientific." My PhD dissertation was rejected with this "explanation", whereby the thesis was before approved by the Academic Director Dr. Cramer.
Ute Deichmann received prize in 1995 of Ben Gurion University of the Negev, as well as professor position at this University and she is director of Jacques Loeb Centre for History and Philosophy of Life Sciences and for her pseudoscientific, anti-semitic and xenophobic statements was overhonored and overwhelmed with extremely plentiful honors, awards, „recognition“ and position from Rivka Carmi and Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
For more information see also blogs
http://cherkaskystory2. (in German)
The statements of Deichmann are of public sensitivity, because her statements are false and pseudoscientific, as well as anti-semitic and xenophobic, because National Socialism must be considered as historic period 1933-1945 and it can be added, that if National Socialism would last longer than it lasted, it would cause more devastation, than it caused.
President of Ben Gurion University Rivka Carmi awarded, honored and honors obviously pseudoscientific and anti-semitic as well as xenophobic work that may not be honored and Rivka Carmi honors and pays anti-semitic and xenophobic pseudoscientist Ute Deichmann, who may not be honored and may not be paid by an Israeli University as honored scientist.
By awarding, supporting, promoting, honoring and paying Deichmann for her false, pseudoscientific, anti-semitic and xenophobic "work" Rivka Carmi systematically prefered and prefers pseudoscience, anti-Semitism and xenophobia and discriminates scientists who deserve to be awarded and honored and who deserve to be professors at the Ben Gurion University. Rivka Carmi discriminates also students, who must "learn" anything from anti-Semite and pseudoscientist, who is presented by Carmi as a honored scientist.
If any anti-Semite is paid by an Israeli University, said anti-Semite must be marked as anti-Semite and anypseudoscientific and anti-Semitic work/publication must be marked as pseudoscientific and anti-semitic.
If such marking is not carried out, is not made, there is deceiving, manipulation, discrimination and supporting and promoting pseudoscience, anti-Semitism and xenophobia.
Presenting pseudoscience, especially anti-semitic pseudoscience, (anti-semitic and pseudoscientific work) as science and honoring pseudoscience, honoring anti-semitic and xenophobic pseudoscience is at least cheat, misleading and discrimination, as mentioned above.
Rivka Carmi, who got her inspration from the father of Ute Deichmann Heinz-Horst Deichmann, who was called by Carmi "source of inspiration", (as stated on "Israelnetz", in the article from October 9, 2014), does not deserve to occupy the position of the President of Ben Gurion University.
The book of Ute Deichmann "Biologists under Hitler" was dedicated to her parents, i.e. her father Heinz-Horst Deichmann may had the same ideology such as Ute Deichmann has, but Rivka Carmi named him "from spiritual and ethic view, (if Rivka Carmi is able to represent any spiritual and ethic view), a model ("Vorbild", a standard for imitation, such as idol), for all of us."